Monday, December 6, 2010

BOOT CAMP! Update 1

     Some of you asked to hear updates back on boot camp. While the girls are having their lunch recess I thought I'd take a minute to share how it's going. Some of you may laugh as it doesn't sound like that much, others will be groaning with how much work it is. I am sometimes but not outloud, I don't want my name on the board. ;)

     You should also know that this Boot Camp comes as a result of weeks, possibly months if I look back that far of resistance, negative attitudes, disrespect, whining, complaining and just overall unpleasantness from the girls. I don't think those are nice traits in anyone and since we homeschool and the girls are with us 24/7 you can imagine how unbearable it can be. . .shoot, if you have kids or spend time around any at all you know how unbearable that can be! How much more pleasant is it to be around children who are polite, thoughtful, obedient, respectful, and cheerful? Like the difference between a sweet treat and spoiled vinegar.

Here's our schedule:

8:00 a.m. wake up, get dressed, get breakfast, put your jammies away, brush your teeth and hair. Free time
       without electronics.
9:00 a.m. School starts
10:15-10:30 morning break
10:30-12 School work
12-12:30 lunch (work on jobs or schoolwork while mom makes lunch)
12:30-1 Outside recess
1-2:15 School Work
2:15-2:30 Afternoon break
2:30-3:30 School work
3:30-4:00 Jobs (dishes, sweeping the floor, bathrooms, bedrooms, garbage)
4:00-5:30 Homework then free time until work is done.
5:30 Supper
6:00-8:00 Homework and jobs completed as needed may use electronics now no more than 30 minutes
                each.  Get ready for bed. Teeth brushed, jammies on, clothes away or in laundry.
8:00-8:30 In bed, lights out at 8:30.

School rules are in place. They may not speak without raising their hand first and being called on. No talking without permission. They must sit at a desk or table to do their work. They have a time limit on their subjects and we move on regardless if they are finished with the assigned work or not. Leftover work is homework (this is a foreign concept!). Permission must be recieved before going to the bathroom. Oh, and at lunch they eat what is served without complaining or go hungry.

Now, it's time to call them in for our afternoon of work so I need to go. Recess is over! If I have time this afternoon I'll share how this is affecting their attitudes.


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